We are not extraordinary (like our jiji says we are) but we do love our humans here....and it is our goal to make them happy each and everyday. Some dogs do a lot more....while jiji has been working away at her painting and beautifying Loftinland we have caught a tear or two from her as she listened to NPR http://www.npr.org/ and the stories about 9/11.....one of the stories talked about the rescue dogs that found people alive and then after days only found people that weren't alive. The dogs became depressed and so their handlers/trainers had to act happy and play games with them to pull them out of their deep depression. What heroes those dogs were, but what heroes their handlers were feeling so depressed themselves but pushing past that and being literally the ONLY people around that were happy even if it was not true, they acted so well that they made their dogs believe them so that they could carry on with the work before them. Our jiji said she couldn't imagine having to do that...we couldn't imagine having to do what those BRAVE dogs did. With tomorrow being the 10th anniversary we wonder how many of those precious dogs are still around and if they remember, we are sure they do in their own way.
Our jiji has promised us that she would catch up reading the other featured bloggers to us! We absolutely LOVE reading about other lands out there and all the fun they are having. It's a beautiful world and we are so happy to live in Loftinland. Oh, and please excuse those typos....sometimes she doesn't always let us proof before she hits the "publish post" button!